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Strings Podcast!

Well, I've been wanting to try this for a while now. Bear with me, as I'm just learning how to make these files. Hopefully I'll get better at it as I go and be able to eliminate the background hiss. Also, I'm a good reader, but I suck at accents in general and can do Liverpudlian only in very small doses (and I asked a bunch of professional actors and they can't do it either), so I decided that at least for now I'm not even going to attempt to pull it off.

So with that in mind... here then is With Strings Attached, or the Big Pink Job: Podcast Edition, as read by me, D. Aviva Rothschild. I'll be posting chapters when I get around to reading them.


Chapter 1, part 1

Chapter 1, part 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 3, part 1


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know what you think!


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