The Keys Stand Alone
Book 1: The Soft World
John: "The difference between
us now and us then is that now, when we jump up, we don't all
come down at the same time."
Paul: "With great power comes
a whole lot of people pestering you to use it on their behalf."
George: "As long as I have it,
as long as we have it, there'll be someone out there,
the Pyars or the Fans or some new schmucks, who'll look at us
and say, 'Ah, we've a sink to unblock on Mars, let's get the
Beatles to set it right.
Ringo: "We're just four ordinary
lads who've been kicked in the ass by fate. Twice."
It's June, 1980. Ten weeks have gone by on Earth. Our heroes
have had varying reactions to and emotions about their four months
on C'hou; some have dealt with it better than others. Some of
their loved ones have dealt with it better than others.
Meanwhile, almost six years have passed on C'hou.
One morning, the four abruptly find themselves back on C'hou.
After the initial euphoria, they wonder: Why are we back? What
are we supposed to do this time?
There's a big bombshell waiting for them: Nearly everything
is different now. The condition they set in motion at the
end of Strings has drastically changed the planet. Even
the geography is different.
But are the changes for the better?
The skahs certainly think so. But then, the four and the
skahs didn't exactly see eye-to-eye.
Indeed, the four think the world has gone utterly mad.
Given that they are attacked five times that first day, it
probably has!
As they struggle to understand this new and difficult C'hou,
they find the stakes far higher than before, both for themselves
and for the beleaguered world they're on. Because the things
they learned in Strings were just the tip of the iceberg.
First, though, they must regain control of their lives and
bodies before they are lost to Earth and family forever.
Luckily, they are not without resource....
Not to mention a healthy dose of evil humor....

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Aviva Rothschild, All Rights Reserved