Rocky Mountain Skeptics
You will want to join Rocky Mountain Skeptics if:
You are concerned that many adults accept, without question, superstition, New Age flights of fancy, astrology, and other modes of uncritical thinking as a fact of life.
You object to pressure tactics of "creation science" groups that have caused many science textbook publishers to eliminate or alter chapter dealing with evolution and thus deprive our younger generation of part of the wonderful story of nature.
You would like to see that those who thoughtfully question pseudoscience and paranormal claims receive as much media attention as do proponents and practitioners of psychic "sciences", astrology, faith healing, and other subjects of questionable validity.
You recognize that exploring scientific explanations for what happens in this world can be more exciting and meaningful than mystical speculation.
You want the opportunity to meet and work with teachers, scientists, doctors, writers, students, magicians and others who have interests similar to your own. All are welcome to join and we can use your advice, enthusiasm and expertise.
Benefits of Membership:
A subscription to The Rocky Mountain Skeptic, published six times a year. It contains articles written by local members of RMS as well as members of other national and international organizations. We encourage all members to participate.
Advance notice of meetings and talks by outside speakers and invitations to RMS social events.
Take advantage of publications lists and discounts offered through RMS to buy books and magazines such as The Skeptical Inquirer.
Get together with people from within and without the local community of skeptics who are actively questioning the premises of pseudoscience. Proponents of pseudoscience are also encouraged to participate in our activities.
Voice your opinions, share your knowledge, and join our investigative efforts!
Receive a discount on our popular "Darwin Fish" suitable for display on your car, door, locker, computer or wherever. Only $5.00 for members. (Others pay $6.00). To order send payment to the address below.
How to Join
Dues: Only $17.00 for a one-year membership
Send to:
For more information, please call 303-444-7537.
Last updated: 11/17/99
Webmaster: Aviva Rothschild
Copyright Rocky Mountain Skeptics (RMS), 1999.